There is a problem with translations - “This may be caused by a problem with file or directory permissions.”

There is a problem with translations - “This may be caused by a problem with file or directory permissions.”

This error is related to the access rights to the folder. The translation folder that is configured as “sites/default/files/translations”. You need to check the rights to the folder. Or go to “/admin/config/media/file-system” and re-save the settings so that Drupal will try to reconfigure the folders and their permissions.

Can you tell me how to disable multilingualism? I need only Ukrainian.

Can you tell me how to disable multilingualism? I need only Ukrainian.

You don't have to remove all unnecessary languages, but simply disable them through the “disable_language” module This module is already installed on the build. In the “/admin/config/regional/language” section, edit and disable unnecessary

When you delete languages, the content is displayed incorrectly. That is, part of the menu is in English, the rest of the nodes are in Ukrainian. There is only one Ukrainian language left. How do I change it to Ukrainian?

When you delete languages, the content is displayed incorrectly. That is, part of the menu is in English, the rest of the nodes are in Ukrainian. There is only one Ukrainian language left. How do I change it to Ukrainian?

The content remained in its original language. Not all of it was created in Ukrainian, but was translated into it. You can change it to Ukrainian only if there is no translation of this content. That is, you need to delete the translation and change the original language. Also, when you delete languages, translations are automatically deleted, and then you can simply specify the language and new text. For example, the menu item

Similarly, in sliders and nodes, you can change the original language. 

perfectmoney after installation on the build will it work immediately or do I need to activate it somehow?

perfectmoney after installation on the build will it work immediately or do I need to activate it somehow?

You will need to add an item in the payment systems section /admin/basket/settings-payment and select the service

you will have the perfectmoney service). You can also edit the current ones by clicking on the gear icon 

What is the administrator login and password?

What is the administrator login and password?

The archive that you received by email contains the file “ARCHIVE_INSTALLATION.txt”, which contains the current data for logging into the administrative part of the site. You can also always change the password via drush command “drush upwd admin NEW_PASS”

I wonder if it's possible to add a cryptocurrency payment method to the build?

I wonder if it's possible to add a cryptocurrency payment method to the build?

You can install modules that are already available and others. Or you can develop your own payment module for the desired system

I installed the distribution locally using ddev (I had to replace the parameter utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci => utf8mb4_unicode_ci in DUMP.sql). The site opens, but shows Notice: date_default_timezone_set(): Timezone ID 'Europe/Kyiv' is invalid in Drupal\system\Tim

How to customize a product where each product has 5 options, the user can choose 2 options out of 6?

How to customize a product where each product has 5 options, the user can choose 2 options out of 6?

As far as we understand the required product options. Then you need to create a plugin based on this interface
And also display an additional field with options on the product page. Based on the interface, you should have the following plugin (example below)


namespace Drupal\MODULE_NAME\Plugin\Basket\Params;

use Drupal\basket\Plugins\Params\BasketParamsBaseForm;

 * @BasketParams(
 *   id = "goods_params",
 *   name = "Goods params",
 *   node_type = {"product"},
 * )
class GoodsParams extends BasketParamsBaseForm {

   * Form with parameters.
  public function getParamsForm(&$form, $form_state, $entity, $ajax){

    $options = [];
    foreach ($entity->FIELDS_VARIANS as $field) {
      $options[$field->value] = $field->value;

      $form['variant'] = [
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#options' => $options,
        '#title' => 'Product variant',
        '#default_value' => $form_state->getValue(['params', 'variant']),
      if (empty($form_state->getValue(['params', 'variant']))) {
        $form['variant']['#default_value'] = key($options);
      $form_state->setValue(['params', 'variant'], $form['variant']['#default_value']);

   * Interpretation of parameters.
  public function getDefinitionParams(&$element, $params, $isInline = FALSE){
  $node = $params['_entity'];
  if (!empty($params['variant'])) {
   $element[] = [
    '#type' => 'item',
    '#title' => 'Product variant: ',
    '#markup' => $params['variant'],

   * Validation of parameters when adding / updating an order item.
  public function validParams(&$response, &$isValid, $post){



After you create the plugin, you will need to activate it in the basket /admin/basket/settings-node_types
And also display an additional field with parameters on the product page.

How do I set up a recurring payment subscription product with Stripe payment?

How do I set up a recurring payment subscription product with Stripe payment?

Create a payment plugin based on the interface and also using the API

How this connection works can be seen on the example of the module

Next, you will need to configure the payment settings when creating /admin/basket/settings-payment

What is the principle of creating product filters? The example only has a filter by price, which is not very revealing. For example, you need to create a size or brand.

What is the principle of creating product filters? The example only has a filter by price, which is not very revealing. For example, you need to create a size or brand.

This is a regular view and a filter for it. So it is created according to the rules of the waveform. The only difference is that the min-max price and slider are added. 

Lottie file
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